Capteenin asiantuntija osallistuivat yhdessä Betolar Oyj:n edustajien kanssa tammikuussa 2022 Las Vegasissa järjestetyihin World of Concrete 2022 – messuihin.
Lopputuloksena saatiin yli 200 kontaktia, tavattiin 5 eri median ja 5 kaupallisen järjestön edustajia.
Saimme Betolar Oyj:ltä seuraavan palautteen:
“Simo J. Lahtinen and DJ Ramsamooj of Capteeni did an amazing job of putting Betolar in contact with associations, media, raw material providers, equipment manufacturers and of course potential clients across the globe. Capteeni arranged for an exceptional experience in the World of Concrete Exhibition in Las Vegas, U.S. with a tailor-made contacting plan before, during and after the event. I can genuinely recommend their services to anyone interested in expanding to new markets or scaling up their operations.”
Janne Rauramo
Executive Vice President
Betolar Oyj